Our Mission:
To support and validate the grieving,

raise awareness in the community and promote recovery for those impacted
by the tragic loss of a loved one to addiction and/or overdose.


Our Story

Surviving Overdose, Understanding Loss (SOUL) was started by MaryAnn Lemonds in 2011 after the death of her 21-year-old son, Ben, to an accidental heroin overdose.

MaryAnn had attended an Al-Anon parent group while Ben was struggling with his substance use disorder and found the support very helpful.

Following Ben’s death, she attended several parent grief support meetings, but felt a stigma related to the cause of Ben’s death.

Many of the other attendees seemed to feel that her loss was somehow less than that of those who had lost a loved one to illness or an accident. There seemed to be a lack of understanding of the disease of addiction. She stopped attending the meetings.

While attending a community meeting at the Harris House, the last place where Ben received treatment, she was approached by the facility’s program director and asked if she thought St. Louis needed a grief support group specifically for those who had lost a loved one to the disease of addiction and/or overdose. She resoundingly replied YES and two months later the group began meeting at Harris House.

Grief is a difficult journey. MaryAnn has learned to move forward with the hole in her heart, but she continues to value the support of her SOUL friends who understand the grief rollercoaster, her need to share memories of Ben, and to support those still struggling with substance use disorder.

In Ben’s memory, she is there to support others who have lost a loved one on their grief journey.



Meet the board
MaryAnn Lemonds

In addition to SOUL, MaryAnn is a commercial banker with Fifth Third Bank. 

Fifth Third Bank has been a generous sponsor of SOUL.

Jeanarae Penn

Jeanarae has been in recovery for more than 30 years.

In 2016 she lost her beloved son Micky to substance use disorder at the age of 36.

Jeanarae found SOUL shortly after his passing.

Her knowledge of the disease of

substance use disorder is a gift to SOUL.

Debby Flier

Family has always been the most important thing to Debby.

All her love could not prevent the loss of her daughter, Evie, to addiction.

Debby found SOUL shortly after Evie’s passing and realized she was not alone in her grief. SOUL is helping her survive Evie’s loss and has given her the courage to move forward.